Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Birdy - Without A Word.

St. Kilda's.

Tonight I made steamed chicken with dong-guai with my new and overpriced metal steam-thingy. 

I'm happy today.
Happy because I had dimsum with 2 good buddies.
Happy cause I learned a new routine during dance for a performance. I've just taken up dance and I'm really enjoying it!
Happy because I think I scored a 90 on econs mid-sems. (Fingers crossed that it's true)
Happy cause I had some mooncake time with buddy + 1.

Not happy that I must must MUST study after this.

Sad because I don't know what's happening at home. 
and no one is telling me much. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


There's music in my ears; Shelter by Birdie, sitting in the study room, where my attention is scattered everywhere else but my books. It's raining right now, and the wind's blowing a bit too strong for my liking.

This song is stirring up a lot of emotions. Sitting opposite me is my first real friend here whom I think, thinks I'm abit ditzy up there. It's okay, I'm only ditzy to the people I love. Two spots away from him is a girl a love just as much. I know how hard it is to let someone in to join an already established clique so yeah, having them really makes me less of a loner in this new place hahahah.

In fact, many people I meet are surprised when they find out it's my first semester. I'm guessing it's cause our mutual friend is in his or her second semester, which makes me look like I am too. It's always kinda amusing when they find out I'm essentially new blood here.

I've just passed the two month mark, of when I arrived in Australia to further my studies. Time flies, doesn't it. To think that when I just arrived here, I was tearing at everything. Tearing at how alone I was, about how there weren't people on the streets! Oh, how I made my mom cry when skyping her. She kept asking me if I wanted to go home and study locally, but no. I know how lucky I am to be able to study overseas and I knew I needed this time away from familiarity to grow as a person. 

I always felt like coming here to jot down some of my thoughts, but I never did. I think it was because, to write it all down, I had to feel it all. And by feeling it all, I was afraid it would consume me. I knew if I were to stumble and fall, it'd take a superhuman effort to get back up. I don't want that.

There's a friend who told me how different I was, through our chats. I talked to him when I was sad, when I was happy. I wonder what he would tell me if I were to ask him now.

The UK university term is starting, and there are goodbyes, farewells and take-good-care-of-yourself's plastered all over facebook as almost all the A Level students get ready to depart for a new chapter of their lives. How often my mind wanders to the what-if's had I chosen to go to UK. Bristol, Manchester. What could have been. Don't get me wrong, I'm not regretting choosing Australia. It's just that I wonder. That's all. 

Monday, July 4, 2011


Urbanscapes 2011 is here!

Well, I've never been to Urbanscapes before and I've heard so much about it every year, just that I could never make it. So I really really really wanna go this year. Just before I leave.

The deets are in the poster above.
It's on July 16th at Padang Astaka, PJ,and it's on for 12 hours. 
Plenty of time to get in and about to check out everything Urbanscapes has to offer.

Quite simply, it's a user-generated arts festival with local acts and of course, there's shopping! From clothes, to trinkets and knick-knacks and of course, food!

Add caption
In the picture above you can see that its venue is quite huge and I am excitedddd.
There's even a Tongue in Chic Turf and is that a hot air balloon I spot?
Last year, there was even a Rumah Angkat with people literally hoisting a house to the venue.
Hopefully, I'll be able to score some free tickets ;)

Will I see you there? :)

Urbanscapes 2011 Ticket Giveaway @

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2 weeks & 2 days.

It's T-minus 2 weeks and 2 days and I don't really know what I'm feeling right now.
It's kind of a mixture of fear+sad+excited and so much more I really don't know how to put it down in words.

I wish I had a thought recorder for when I go jogging. I think a lot when I jog, maybe cause that's all there is to do. Other than try to jog lol.

Oh btw, I just found out I'll be homeless for 3 nights in Canberra. Ooooooooh.

I don't know how people do it.
How do I pack my life into 2 suitcases? It's impossible!
There's clothes(and it's winter right now!),  food(can't leave the food behind!), toiletries and all my other junk.
And I don't think my life fits into 2 suitcases and weighs 40kg.

Apart from that, how do you accept the emotional distance that inevitably exists when you move away to a land so far away?
It's like, now I see you, tmrw I don't. 

Only recently has it occurred to me that "Oh,  I'm going to Canberra all alone." 
There is virtually no one I know, who is going there no, or soon, and also no one there that I know.
I'm actually not too bothered by this, but it would be nice knowing there's someone there I can call.

And sometimes I think. Is this the right thing I'm doing?  and is there really Right and Wrong?

I sleep so late at night nowadays.
Cause I hear the clock ticking.


Friday, June 17, 2011

OZ bound.

Oh hello. 

In a month, this may be the place I'll visit the most.
The place which will feel the most familiar, in a land so foreign.